The application, launched by Ishan Anand as part of Swachh Bharat Initiative, will prove to be very useful in locating the nearest toilet, especially a clean one.
Appreciating Anand's efforts, Jung asked all the three municipal corporations and the DDA to make use of the app to upgrade the existing conditions and services of public toilets and also help in up-dating locations of all the public toilets which do not figure at present.
The mobile app uses GPS to find nearby publicly accessible toilets. Once the nearest toilet is located/selected then the app will provide the shortest route to exact location of the selected toilet, Anand added.
Anybody can also write a review on existing facilities available at the toilets. This will provide users with convenience of locating clean toilets nearby, he said.
"This app's crowd sourced element is another important benefit because it enables users to help others, as well as themselves - all for free," Anand said.
After all the toilets in Delhi are included in the app, Anand said he will try to cover public toilets in other metro cities like Mumbai and Bangalore.