He also applauded Modi's effort to reach out to the people of Jammu and Kashmir by declaring the floods, which until now have claimed more than 150 lives, as national tragedy.
"Greatly appreciate the statesman like initiative of our Prime Minister Narendra Modi to extend all possible help to flood-hit Pakistan particularly in the region of PoK.
"This reaching out by Modiji is indeed commendable especially after the derailment of diplomatic talks between the two nations," Agnivesh said.
"We must also applaud the way the Prime Minister reached out to the people of Jammu and Kashmir immediately declaring the floods as a national tragedy and announcing an aid of Rs 1,000 crore and more, and that too with the partnership of state government.
"His going on a tour with the Chief Minister of J&K Omar Abdullah is again a great statesman like gesture and should be appreciated by all," Agnivesh said.