In the wake of Modi's apparent snub on Monday in a television interview in which he had called Swamy's attack on RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan and top Finance Ministry officials inappropriate, Swamy yesterday had quoted Lord Krishna to say "a small change in one parameter effects changes in all variables."
But today the BJP Rajya Sabha MP's quotes covered a variety of subjects including the one in which he said someone like former CAG Vinod Rai would be welcome as RBI Governor.
In an apparent reply to Modi's remarks that craving for publicity will do no good to the nation, Swamy tweetd, "New problem: when publicity relentlessly seeks a politician. 30 OVs outside the house, 200 missed calls from channels and paparazzis?"
"Presstitutes are daily planting deliberately false stories hoping I will be provoked to reply. Ha! They have a hope!," he said in another tweet.
He also said that today's business and finance papers have confirmed the news that in effect his predictions about a banking crisis is imminent.