Special CBI judge Swarana Kanta Sharma rejected the bail pleas of Arun Aggarwal, who is alleged to be the Chief Financial Officer of Bhushan Power and Steel Ltd, and Vijay Pahuja, who according to the CBI was acting as an "agent" for receiving illegal gratification.
"...I am of the opinion that the intercepted conversations also point out prima facie towards his (accused) role in the conspiracy. The investigation is at a crucial stage and material witnesses are being examined by CBI.
During the arguments on the bail applications, the counsel representing Aggarwal had argued that neither his client was associated with Bhushan Steel Ltd nor he was an employee of the firm. The counsel had also argued that it was a case of "mistaken identity".
CBI prosecutor Akshay Gautam had countered the submissions of the defence counsel saying Aggarwal was the Chief Financial Officer of Bhushan Power and Steel Ltd and was in touch with co-accused Jain.
Jain, CMD of Prakash Industries Ltd Ved Prakash Agarwal, Bhushan Steel Ltd Vice Chairman and Managing Director Neeraj Singal and various other accused were arrested by the CBI in connection with the case.