BJP's Telangana unit president K Laxman Tuesday said his party would stage protests against private schools which are collecting excessive fees.
"Highest fees collection in Telangana, lowest government response. That is the situation," he said at a 'round table on exorbitant fee structure in corporate and private schools', organised by the BJP.
In CBSE schools in Hyderabad, according to information collected by parents' associations and others, fee ranged from Rs 60,000 to Rs 4.50 lakh, he said.
It is Rs 40,000 to Rs 1.50 lakh in Delhi, he claimed.
There is no regulation on school fees and some schools have their own fee structures, he alleged.
The BJP leader also hit out at the TRS government over the errors in the conduct of Intermediate exam this year that led toalleged suicides of more than 20 students.
BJP has taken up issues concerning school education as a social responsibility and there is no politics in it as no major elections are scheduled to be held in the near future, he said.