Besides this, the Chief Minister has also issued instructions for the release of Rs 75.84 crore towards input subsidy to the farmers whose crops suffered damages due to hail-storms and heavy rains, which occurred between 2009-2013.
Thus the total amount now released stands at Rs 480.42 crore, an official release said.
The release of the amount has been pending for long and it has been released now.
The district-wise break up of the released Rs 404.58 crore is-- Ranga Reddy (Rs 28.62 crore), Medak (Rs 34.33 crore), Nizamabad (Rs 1.27 crore), Mahabubnagar (Rs 96.11 crore), Nalgonda (Rs 72.85 crore), Waranagal (Rs 18.69 crore), Khammam (Rs 1.35 crore), Karimnagar (Rs 87.09 crore), Adilabad (Rs 64.26 crore), the release said.