Against the backdrop of rising cases of rape, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said such incidents make "our heads hang in shame" and asked parents to take responsibility for their son's actions and put the same restrictions on them as they put on their daughters.
"Today, when we hear about incidents of rape, our heads hang in shame. People give different arguments. Some blame it on psychological problem. Every parent who has a 10 year old girl at home, ask them where are they going, when will they come back and tell them to call back home after reaching their place.
"But have you ever asked as to where is your son going, why are they going and who are your friends. After all the person committing the crime are the sons of someone," he said in his Independence Day speech.
"Let every parent decide to put the same restrictions on their sons as they put on their daughters," he said.
He said while the law will take its course and be strict on such crime, parents should be equally responsible to check such incidents.
The Prime Minister also voiced concern over cases of female foeticide, stressing that they be stopped and warned doctors against becoming a partner in such crimes.
"Today, when we hear about incidents of rape, our heads hang in shame. People give different arguments. Some blame it on psychological problem. Every parent who has a 10 year old girl at home, ask them where are they going, when will they come back and tell them to call back home after reaching their place.
"But have you ever asked as to where is your son going, why are they going and who are your friends. After all the person committing the crime are the sons of someone," he said in his Independence Day speech.
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Every mother and father should keep a tab on their sons and hold them accountable much like the way they put restrictions on girls, he said.
"Let every parent decide to put the same restrictions on their sons as they put on their daughters," he said.
He said while the law will take its course and be strict on such crime, parents should be equally responsible to check such incidents.
The Prime Minister also voiced concern over cases of female foeticide, stressing that they be stopped and warned doctors against becoming a partner in such crimes.