The Delhi Chief Minister's programme titled 'Talk to AK' apparently seems to have taken a leaf out of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's monthly radio programme 'Mann ki Baat'.
The move comes at a time when the Aam Aadmi Party, headed by Kejriwal, is gearing up for Assembly elections in Goa, Punjab, Gujarat and other states.
A senior government official said on Kejriwal will hold an hour-long live interactive session with people on July 17 at 11 AM and take their questions through Twitter, Facebook, phone calls and text messages.
"For a long time, the media team of the CM was working on the project. CM may hold interactive session every month to reach out to more people in the country," he added.
The CM is expected to start the interaction by speaking about the AAP government's performance over the past year and a half and thereafter he will take questions from people.