The new comic book story will revolve around Django Freeman, the lead character of his 2012 movie where Zorro will also have a role. Tarantino is writing the story with comic book writer Matt Wagner, reported Ace Showbiz.
The 'Kill Bill' helmer has already adapted the original script into a graphic novel but in the comic book, the gun-totting hero will set out on a new adventure where he will cross path with the masked swordsman Zorro.
The story is set to be co-plotted by Tarantino along with Wagner who is known for creating acclaimed comic series like 'Mage' and 'Grendel'.
"I'm very very excited about both this story and the opportunity to work with Matt," Tarantino said in a statement.
"It was reading his Zorro stories that convinced me what a good idea it was to join these two icons together. And the story idea we came up with is thrilling, and I think will be an exciting new chapter for both characters.