"During the last three years, we have been trending at an average of Rs 1,000 crore per annum between the Tata trusts and our companies, typically in a 60:40 ratio between the companies and the trusts. The specific figure for FY14 by the group companies is Rs 660 crore," group brand custodian Mukund Rajan told reporters while addressing a media roundtable on 'Sustainability @ Tata'.
The group holding company, Tata Sons, is 66 per cent owned by various Tata trusts.
The Tata Group had about USD 5 billion in net income on a group revenue of a little over USD 100 billion last fiscal. According to the mandatory 2 per cent net profit spend on CSR, the group a spent Rs 60 crore more than this legal requirement last fiscal.
When asked whether the group will be spending more than the legally required amount under the new CSR law, Rajan said there won't be any dearth of funds when it comes to giving back to the society. Even the past fiscal spend was above 2 per cent.
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"This is not only a practice but a tradition in the group and is embedded in the corporate DNA of the group," he said.
Stating that sustainability has been a part of the Tata tradition even before the word sustainability became fashionable.
Recalling some of the salient initiatives the group has undertaken on the CSR front significantly ahead of regulatory requirements, Rajan said Jamsetji had established a creche for working mothers at the Tata textile mills in the 1880s, something which is not legislated even today.