The stock gained 3.36 per cent to settle at Rs 365.90 on BSE. During the day, it climbed 4.59 per cent to Rs 370.25.
On NSE, it rose 3.44 per cent to close at Rs 366.45.
The company added Rs 2,972.54 crore to Rs 1,05,179.54 crore in market valuation.
Tata Motors has reported a 17 per cent growth in its global sales, including those of JLR vehicles, at 99,842 units in February.
In the passenger vehicles category, global sales stood at 63,672 units last month as against 53,878 in February 2015, up 18 per cent.
Sales of JLR vehicles rose 31 per cent to 52,313 units last month as against 39,942 a year earlier.