The stock fell by 2.73 per cent to settle at Rs 332.75 on BSE. During the day, it dropped 4.12 per cent to Rs 328 -- its 52-week low.
At NSE, shares of the company lost 2.86 per cent to close at Rs 332.40.
At present, the company commands a market valuation of Rs 95,650.43 crore.
The explosions hit the port city of Tianjin on August 12.
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At the time of the explosion, approximately 5,800 vehicles that had recently been shipped to China were stored at various locations in Tianjin.
"However, access to facilities near the site of the explosion remains restricted and so whilst we believe many of these vehicles may have been damaged, we are presently unable to quantify the numbers of units affected," it said.
We will continue to monitor the situation and work to minimise the impact on our customers and the business, the company noted.