The company said it had last week appointment Sandhya S Kudtarkar as an Additional Director to comply with SEBI's requirement of having at least one woman director on board.
The company was reacting to leading data provider Prime Database's report that named Tata Power among 56 NSE-listed companies without a woman director.
"We wish to categorically state that Tata Power is fully compliant with all regulatory requirements imposed by SEBI.
"The true and complete fact, is that, in terms of Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, Tata Power appointed Sandhya S Kudtarkar as an Additional Director of the company effective April 16, 2016. The same has also been conveyed to the BSE by the company," it said.
"Any report to the contrary is factually incorrect and misleading," it added.