"The company standalone spent (on CSR was) Rs 29.01 crore as against the required Rs 28.29 crore as per the CSR Act, its subsidiaries and joint ventures spent Rs 18.01 crore," Tata Power said in a BSE filing today.
According to the statement, through this, the company reached out to more than 250 villages/urban pockets across 7 states, benefiting over 15 lakh people.
Tata Power group companies have aligned their CSR policy to five thrust areas - Primary Education with focus on girl child, Health & Drinking Water, Livelihood and Employability, Social Capital and Infrastructure, and Inclusive Growth.
The CSR Initiatives are undertaken through the developmental arm - Tata Power Community Development Trust across all its locations.
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Speaking on this, Tata Power Chief Sustainability Officer Vivek Talwar said in the statement: "Tata Power's focus on CSR has been on designing and deploying sustainable programmes, where the community takes ownership of the programs in the true spirit of participatory development."
There is a sharper emphasis on capacity building of the community, which has led to better impact of programmes on health, access to affordable energy, water management and sanitation, Talwar added.
Tata Power would continue to facilitate the process of development through collaborative processes, and seeking and sharing knowledge from key stakeholders.
In FY16, the company reached out to more than 230 schools covering over one lakh students through various educational initiatives.
The company provided 6,700 households with access to sanitation facility benefiting over 36,700 children. Model Village programs saw progress in the field of water securitisation at Jawhar (Thane), Solar Micro Grid connectivity at remote villages of Pune, promoting tribal education at Kalinganagar (Odisha) to improving agricultural productivity at Jojobera & Maithon (Jharkhand).