Tata Steel Ltd's Rs 1,500 crore commercial paper (CP) programme has been assigned strong safety high grading by India Ratings and Research (Ind-Ra).
"India Ratings and Research (Ind-Ra) has assigned Tata Steel Ltd's Rs 15 bn (billion) commercial paper (CP) programme an 'IND A1+' rating," it said in a statement said, adding that "this programme is over and above the Rs 25 billion CP already rated by the agency.
The CP programmes have been carved out of the working capital bank lines of the company, it said.
The ratings continue to be weighed down by weak demand conditions globally leading to large scale imports into India, and the low probability that European operations could report a significant improvement in top-line and profitability in the next two years, it said.
Ind-Ra's rating view on the company is on a consolidated basis. The rating approach factors in a one notch uplift for its strong operational and strategic linkages with the Tata Group.