The 18-year-old aspiring actress - the daughter of the late Michael Jackson - only turned 18 in April, but has already had an impressive 23 inkings on her body.
However, to Paris - who was only 11 when her father died in 2009 - the pieces are more than just body art as each time she looks in the mirror she remembers how far she has come since being sectioned to a psychiatric hospital for three months in 2013 after an overdose, reported Femalefirst.
"Today I can look at my inner forearms and see art that has meaning for me, I don't see a dark past anymore. My scars and self-hatred have been covered up by loving marks, creativity , ingenuity.. And depth. Sure I will always carry my past with me, but I see ink as a way of changing for the better, always improving. They represent the strength for me. I look back at my old self and then I look in the mirror, and I see a fighter looking back at me. (sic)"