Special CBI Judge Manoj Jain sentenced Krishan Sharawat to two years in jail and imposed a fine of Rs 20,000.
Sharawat, the then inspector of Entertainment Tax Department, was apprehended in a trap laid by CBI on a complaint of one Harjeet Singh in 2007.
According to prosecution, Singh was in the business of providing television cable service by the name of Balaji Cable TV Network. Sharawat was posted as Inspector then and in the last week of November 2007, he along with his team had gone to Singh's office and seized some documents.
Singh met Sharawat who told him that entertainment tax of his concern was pending for several months and asked him to deposit the same. Consequently, Singh deposited tax for two months only and could not deposit the entire tax amount for want of funds.
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Thereafter, he recieved a notice to appear in the office of the department. He then called Sharawat and questioned him about the show cause notice and was asked to meet at a given place.
He also promised not to check their cable connections.
Sharawat also threatened Singh that if his demands are not met with, he would show extra cable connections in his name and raise extra tax demand on them.
Following this, Singh made a complaint to CBI and a trap was laid.