"The Central Processing Centre (CPC) Bengaluru has already issued over 54.35 lakh refunds totaling to Rs 14,332 crore which includes 20.81 lakh refunds for AY 2016-17 (current year returns) totaling to Rs 2,922 crore till August 5, 2016," the ministry said in a release.
The ministry said that over 75 lakh taxpayers availed the facility of e-verification of IT returns this year till August 5 against around 33 lakh taxpayers last year till September 7.
"Of these Aadhar based e-verification was used by 17.68 lakh taxpayers during the current year as against 10.41 lakh taxpayers during the same period in 2015-16," it said.
The ministry said that in total, 226.98 lakh e-returns had been filed in FY 2016-17 as compared to 70.97 lakh for the same period in FY 2015-16.
It said the revenue department encourages all taxpayers who have submitted their ITRs to use the e-verification as an easy alternative to sending their ITR-V form to CPC, Bengaluru.