The "Shake It Off" hitmaker took to Twitter and Instagram to share photos from the celebration. She brought her other friends, including Sarah Hyland, Gigi Hadid, Serayah, HAIM and Hailee Steinfeld, to the bash, reported Ace Showbiz.
Swift, 25, shared a photo collage of her, Jaime, Gigi and Alana Haim funnily posing in a photo booth.
The "Blank Space" songstress wore a black hat, a white sleeveless top, and skirt and carried a drink and a black fur fan.
Jaime donned a printed dress with a white fur on her neck.
Jaime thanked Swift in an Instagram post, writing, "How can I put this into words... @taylorswift is not only going to be an exquisite Godmother but one of the best friends one could ask for. Thank you Tay for throwing me such an insanely beautiful baby shower. Less then 12 hours after performing for 60k strong. I love you SO MUCH xx @babyhaim @gigihadid."
She then posted a collage of pictures from her baby shower along with caption, "Lovin'.