"There is no difference between the two cases. There, Sasikala (close aide of the late Tamil Nadu CM) misused Jayalalithaa's position and amassed illegal wealth through quid pro quo deals. Jagan did the same in Andhra Pradesh abusing his father (late) YS Rajasekhara Reddy's position (as CM).
"If Sasikala got a four-year jail term for a scam of Rs 66 crore, Jagan should get many more years as he illegally amassed about Rs one lakh crore," TDP MLC and spokesman Somireddy Chandramohan Reddy told reporters here this evening.
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Reddy said the "modus operandi" used by both Sasikala and Jagan, by floating shell companies and laundering money, were the same.
"As per the supreme court's previous directions, the cases against Jagan should be disposed of within one year. Even if he gets convicted in one out of 11 cases, he is sure to end up in jail for many years," the TDP leader said.
He said the Enforcement Directorate had already attached Jagan's properties worth Rs 3,000 crore while the CBI and the ED have unearthed illegal assets to the tune of Rs 40,000 crore in name of Jagan and his companies.
"We demand a speedy trial into Jagan's illegal assets cases," Reddy added.