Tukuna Pradhan, the science teacher in the Rabi Ghosh Vidyapeeth, Sumandala, under Kodala police station limits allegedly thrashed a student of standard X as he was drowsing in the class on Friday last. The teacher was arrested yesterday.
Sustaining injuries in different parts of his body allegedly due to beating by the teacher, the student was treated at the primary health centre at Sumandal and then referred to the MKCG Medical College and Hospital.
"The teacher was arrested based on the FIR lodged by Siba Prasad Routray, father of the injured student and was forwarded to the court" said inspector-in charge, Kodala police station, Kalpana Kanhar.
Even though the school authorities were trying to pacify the matter through the school management committee, the father of the student and other parents did not agree. They demanded exemplary punishment against the teacher.
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District Education Officer, (DEO) Ganjam, Sanatan Panda said he would enquire into the matter.
"If he is found guilty, drastic action will be taken," he said.
Child rights campaigner Prabhu Prasad Patra stressed on the sensitisation of teachers in Ganjam district on corporal punishment.