The teacher, identified as Sanjaya Kumar Tripathy of Barapada government upgraded school, was arrested yesterday for allegedly touching the private parts of the 14-year-old student in the school on January 27, the police said.
The incident came to the fore after the victim's family filed an FIR with the local police on Thursday.
Tripathy asked the girl, to lock the rooms in the school building after classes were over. When she was doing so he misbehaved with her by touching her body inappropriately, said Rakesh Kumar Tripathy, Inspector In-Charge (IIC) of Balichandrapur police station.
The mother of the victim lodged a complaint with police on Thursday.
On the basis of the complaint, accused teacher was booked under relevant sections of the Nirbhaya Act and taken into custody, the IIC said.
Preliminary investigation showed the teacher misbehaved with the minor girl student, the Inspector said adding further probe is on.