The accused B. Pradeep Kumar Reddy, previously employed at a software firm at Madhapur in the state capital, allegedly sent some objectionable photographs of the victim on the personal e-mails of her fiancee and of her relatives.
"Reddy, a married man, posed himself as a bachelor and an HR professional working with a reputed software company and developed friendship with the girl around four years back," Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police (Special Branch) Mohammad Khan told reporters here.
Police said Reddy would seek sexual favours from the girl promising to marry her.
Even though the girl walked out on him, Reddy wanted to continue the affair and even forced her to elope with him, police said. However, the girl refused Reddy's proposal and decided to marry another man.
"When the girl discontinued her relationship with him, Reddy started making threatening calls to her and her family members. He forwarded her objectionable photos, along with abusive comments, to the e-mails of her fiancee and her relatives," Khan said.