The incident took place on Friday when Swapnali Lad, a TCS employee, was on her way back to her home. Around 9.15 pm, she boarded a rickshaw at the Kapurbawdi Naka to go to her residence at Kolshet, senior Police Inspector S S Kadam, Kapurbawdi Police Station told PTI.
When the driver instead of proceeding to the destination, turned the rickshaw towards Bhiwandi, the girl got scared, Kadam said, adding, she raised an alarm and jumped out of the vehicle, which left her badly wounded in head and stomach.
The police has registered a case under sections 364 and 511 of the IPC based on a complaint by her father Nitin Lad on Sunday.
According to the parents of the victim, she is 'critical' and has undergone two major surgeries till now. The girl has not regained her consciousness since the mishap.
Meanwhile, a manhunt has been launched for the unidentified rickshaw driver, police added.