On a complaint filed on Tuesday by the 19-year-old girl, a student of a private college at Mahendergarh, police registered a case of gangrape, abduction, criminal intimidation and wrongful confinement against Pritam, husband of the girl's cousin, and his younger brother Bittoo.
Both are residents of Dharan village in Bawal tehsil of Rewari district, police said.
In her complaint, she stated that a few months ago she had gone to the village to see her cousin where she was administered some sedative in a soft drink after which she was sexually assaulted by both Pritam and Bittoo.
Police further said that Pritam forced her to enter into wedlock with Bittoo at a temple in Narnaul on February 28.
Later on, she mustered the courage to approach the police with a complaint against the duo.
Her medical examination was conducted at the civil hospital at Mahendergarh yesterday.