The body of the deceased, identified as Bipin Sahu alias Balia (18) of Ekatala village, was spotted by locals yesterday and he was suspected to have been killed late on Wednesday night, they said.
According to an FIR filed by the father of the deceased with the local police, Bipin was killed with his throat slit on Wednesday night.
"My son went out of the house after getting a call on his mobile phone at about 9 p.M. On Wednesday night. When he did not return home till late hours, we made a frantic search, but could not trace him. We got information from a villager of Tulasipur that the body of my son is lying on Kharsrota riverbank near his village," said Nanda Sahu, father of the deceased.
"Investigation is on and we are trying to retrieve the mobile phone of the deceased to check the call record so that we can reach the person who had called the deceased," said Madhumita Mohanmty, inspector-in-charge of Kuakhia police station.
Police have detained six persons who are being questioned in this connection.