Hoshiarpur Senior Superintendent of Police Sushil Kumar told reporters that Meena Kumari, wife of Ajay Kumar of local Railway Mandi rang up the Model Town police station saying two persons Vipan Kumar and Ram Kumar, both of Moga had come to her residence in the morning today for recovery of Rs 22,000 from her husband.
At the time when the duo came, Meena Kumari and her son Sachin Kumar (17) were present in the house. However, Ajay Kumar also returned to his house in a short time and requested the duo to grant him some time for clearing their dues, the SSP said.
On receiving the complaint, the police immediately swung into action, he said.
To nab the kidnappers, police asked Ajay Kumar to call up the duo on their mobile phone with an assurance that he was ready to pay the money and in lieu of that they will have to release his son.
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When one of the kidnappers Vipan Kumar came to local Prabhat Chowk to collect the money the police nabbed him.
Later on, police arrested his accomplice Ram Kumar and recovered Sachin Kumar from him.
A case under various Sections of the IPC has been registered in Model Town police station in this connection, the SSP said.