Titled "Walk," the play is based on lives and stories of 12 cast members, all in their teens, and in which no one plays their own part.
Facilitated by Tasawwur, a city-based collective of artists and educators, the show brings together song, choreography, tableaus and stories to take audience through the world inhabited by young people and the more inclusive world that they dream of.
The organisation is being supported by the Change Looms With.In Fellowship.
Aged between 14 years to 18 years, the cast who are either enrolled in private or government schools or are open school candidates highlight issues that are of concern for teenagers hailing from various walks of life.
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"Many of the young people in the program have talked about gender-based violence, on the streets in the form of sexual harassment, and in the home in the form of domestic violence. Caste has come up as a big issue for some of our teenagers," says Rao.
Themes of suicide and self harm also find their place in the play.