In Delhi, Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar said, "Tejpal will be tried in a fast track court. We will follow the Supreme Court's guidelines and have a female judge in this case."
"I will see to it that justice is given to the girl. No one need be worried that Tejpal, just because of his earlier background, will be treated in a wrong way or a different way," he said while responding to a question at a function.
In Panaji, a senior police officer said the three colleagues of the woman journalist who had confided to them after the alleged incident, will record their statement before the magistrate tomorrow.
Tehelka's former Managing Editor Shoma Chowdhury has been summoned by the Goa police to appear before it on Saturday.
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The detailed statements of Tejpal are being recorded by a team led by Investigating Officer (IO) Sunita Sawant under the supervision of Deputy Superintendent of Police Sammy Tavares.
"...Tejpal has been maintaining that the act was consensual," the officer said on the condition of anonymity.
Tejpal, who has been in police custody since Saturday night, has been spending much of his time going around pathological labs at Goa Medical College and OPD of the Institute of Psychiatry and Human Behaviour (IPHB). He will now undergo a third round of medical tests.