Chandigarh, the common capital of the two states, received showers this morning after which the day temperature dropped to 31.2 deg C, two notches below normal, the MeT office here said.
Among other places in the region to be lashed by rains included Ambala, Hisar, Karnal, Panchkula, Narnaul, Rewari, Ballabgarh, Faridabad, Gurgaon, Yamunanagar, Amritsar, Ludhiana, Patiala, Pathankot, Madhopur and Mohali.
In Punjab, Ludhiana and Patiala recorded identical maximums of 32 deg C, down two notches each while Amritsar's high settled at 33 deg C, one below normal.
Hisar recorded a high of 29.5 deg C, seven notches below normal and Bhiwani's maximum was 32.4 deg C. Meanwhile, Narnaul's high settled at 31 deg C, down three notches.
The MeT officials forecast light to moderate rain or thunder showers would occur at many places in the two states over the next two days.