About six persons raided the temple situated at Vedvyas in the wee hours and attacked the guard, Jyoti Prakash Nayak (26) of Gorudi in Bolangir district, said S Sethi, sub-divisional police officer (SDPO) at Rourkela.
The looters appeared to have attacked Nayak on his head with stones, which were found near his body. "There are signs of attack on his head," informed Sethi.
After killing him, the gang took away the key from him and opened the main door of the main temple on the first floor. There are two steel donation boxes are kept on either side of the deity for devotees to drop their donations.
"They broke open the boxes and took away the money kept inside," said the police officer.
The CCTV in the temple has been lying defunct for the last ten days, he said adding about ten persons have been rounded up for interrogation.