Palghar District Collector Abhijit Bhangar on Friday disqualified Savita Waghcoure, Yogita Mulgir, Geeta Chowdhari, Preeti Pawar, Vimal Gore, Ravindra Chawre, Meena Jadhav, Asha Ballal, Ganesh Rajput and Ravindra Bhoir.
The collector stated in his order stated that they were being unseated under the provisions of the Maharashtra Local Authority Members Disqualification Act, 1986, and 1987 Rules framed thereunder.
They (councillors) have been disqualified under the provisions of section 3 (1) (a) of the Maharashtra Local Authority Members Disqualification Act, 1986.
In the last civic elections held in December 2012, NCP had got complete majority as it bagged 14 of the total 17 seats.
However, in December 2014 10 NCP councillors formed their own group and joined Shiv Sena in the council.
NCP leader in the council Sandeep Vaidya filed a petition with the district collector against the councillors who had spilt and his petition was upheld by the Collector.