Secretary to the Department G Ragesh Chandra said in a release that delimitation of the wards was done earlier on the basis of the 1991 census in the Union Territory.
But because of rapid increase in the population during the last two decades, the government has proposed to effect delimitation against the backdrop of the present census, he said in the release.
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The government now invited suggestions and objections if any from the public regarding the proposed delimitation.
The Union Territory has a total of five municipalities (Puducherry: 2, Karaikal, Mahe and Yanam one each) and ten commune panchayats and 98 village panchayats.
Civic polls were held in 2006 after a gap of 38 years. The terms of elected civic bodies ended in 2011 but no civic polls have been held since then and they are now being manned by bureaucrats.