While the conviction and sentencing of Shahzad Ahmed in the sensational 2008 Batla House encounter case brought smiles on the faces of Delhi Police officials, the transfer of case relating to suspected Hizbul militant Liyaqat Shah to the NIA and his subsequent release on bail left them red faced.
The branding of Liyaqat as a big catch by special cell of Delhi Police later on turned out to be damp squib as Jammu and Kashmir Police insisted that he was one of those who ex-filtrated in 1990s and returned to India to surrender under the state's rehabilitation policy.
45-year-old Liyaqat was released on bail after spending nearly two months in jail, by the court which had said NIA's probe confirmed there was no substantial linkage regarding his involvement in the conspiracy to carry out terror attacks in the national capital, as claimed by Delhi Police.
IM co-founder Bhatkal, 30, was perhaps one of the biggest catches for the probe agencies as he is wanted in over 60 terror cases across the country. Carrying a reward of Rs 35 lakh, he was arrested along with his close aide Asadullah Akhtar by NIA from the Indo-Nepal border on August 28.
He is suspected to be involved in 40 bombings across the country.