Winslet and DiCaprio, who are hailed as one of the best on-screen couples in Hollwyood have remained friends since their first film together 'Titanic' (1997).
The 38-year-old actress said though people wanted them to be together, they never felt beyond friendship for each other, reported the Daily Mirror.
"I think the reason that friendship works is because there was never any romantic thing. It's so disappointing for people to hear that, because in the soap opera of the Kate and Leo story we fell in love at first sight and had a million snogs, but actually we never did," she said.
"He always saw me as one of the boys; I've never really been a girly-girl. We needed each other to lean on because we were very young and working all kinds of crazy bloody hours and it was a shock to the system," she said.
The pair has also worked in American drama film 'Revolutionary Road'.