IGP (Jammu Zone) Rajesh Kumar said Swaran Singh was arrested along with Harpreet Singh and Karanjit Singh from Miran Sahib area in Jammu's R S Pura belt during raids by a team of Punjab police along with Jammu police yesterday.
Another person has been detained for brief questioning.
A senior Punjab police official had yesterday said that two pro-Khalistan militants had been arrested from Jammu.
He had said "the terror module, funded and co-ordinated from Spain and United Kingdom, was a joint conspiracy of two Pakistan-based terrorist outfits - Khalistan Zindabad Force and Khalistan Liberation Force - to carry out attacks".
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A case has already been registered by Punjab Police in Bhogpur police station in Punjab's Jalandhar district.
According to Jammu police, the cops did not recover any weapons so far but have seized some Pakistani SIM cards, four mobile telephones and half a dozen local SIM cards from them.
The operation led by SSP Jalandhar (Rural) Narinder Bhargav was conducted by Punjab police in Jammu on revelation of a member of the module, who was arrested in Punjab recently when he was on his way to Jammu.