Moong dal price rose by Rs.200 per quintal to Rs.10,000 from Rs.9,800.
Gram dal opened the week by Rs.100 per quintal to Rs.4,400 from its last closing rates of Rs.4,300.
Sugar fell by Rs.50 per quintal to Rs.3,000 from yesterday's Rs.3,050.
Wheat(Rs.2,750), Maida (90 kg) (Rs.2,500) and Sooji (90 kg) (Rs.2,900) ruled steady.
Following are the wholesale rates of various agri-commodities (in Rs per quintal, except where stated otherwise): Thoor Dal Rs 8,500, Urad Dal Rs 8,400 Moong Dal Rs 10,000, Gram Dal Rs 4,400, Sugar Rs 3,000, Wheat Rs 2,750, Maida (90 kg) Rs 2,500 and Sooji (90 kg) Rs 2,900.