The accused have been identified as Shahnawaz, Shahbaz and Sonu. They allegedly strangulated the deceased, Anas Qureshi, and then stabbed him with an ice pic, said police.
Shahnawaz was Anas's uncle and he told the police that it was the latter's step-mother, Rubina, who had paid him Rs 10 lakh for killing Anas, the legal heir of her husband's property. Rubina's husband, Ayub Qureshi, passed away around eight months ago, said police.
Shahnawaz, who was Ayub's brother, roped in Shahbaz and Sonu, both labourers at the Azadpur wholesale fruit market, promising to pay them Rs 60,000 for the job. However, he paid only Rs 2,500 to each after they killed Anas, leading to a dispute, police said.
"A special team was set up and the case was cracked largely by technical surveillance. The confessions made during interrogation are being verified. More arrests are likely," a senior police official said.