On Saturday, the trio, identified as retired deputy manager Kaushal Kumar (61), Vipul Oberai (26) and Pancham Kumar (30) were arrested from Dwarka after the concerned bank alerted police about the cloned cheques, police said.
"They had deposited three cheques worth a total of over Rs 5.5 crore from the end of August to early September for clearance from an account owned by a Panipat-based business house at Punjab National Bank. The overdraft account had a withdrawal limit of Rs 13 crore," said Additional Commissioner of Police (Crime) Ashok Chand.
However, as the cheques were worth crores of rupees, bank officials sought clarification from the account holder only to find that the cheques were not issued by him. The bank stopped clearance of the cheques and alerted police which then nabbed the trio.
During interrogation, the trio revealed that the mastermind of their gang is one Gagan, who is on the run. He had got made forged cheques by scanning the original ones.
"He then forged signature of the account holder. Gagan then gave the forged cheques for depositing to Vipul Oberai. Pancham Kumar provided them the name of the account holder in whose account the cheque was to be deposited.