Rajendera Rout, Sanjit Naik and Arun Bagh, had pasted a fake Maoist poster at the house of a trader identified as Ram Murty Naik of D Karolo village in Kashipur block on August 30 and had demanded Rs 30 lakh from him, they said.
The trio had asked Naik to bring the money to a forest road near Ghoda Tikri village on August 31. As the trader did not follow their instructions, the three telephoned Naik and threatened him of dire consequences, Inspector In-Charge of Doragura police station, Ramesh Chandra Bisoi said.
The mobile phone used by the trio was tracked and subsequently they were arrested, Bisoi said, adding during interrogation it was found that the accused didn't have any link with Maoists and had identified themselves as rebels to make quick buck.
While Arun and Sanjit worked as drivers in a private company, Rajendra stays at Tikri, he said.