Three persons, including a private secretary of Jaipur Zila Parishad chief executive officer, was on Tuesday arrested in a corruption case involving a bribe of Rs 2 lakh, said Anti-Corruption Bureau chief Alok Tripathi said.
Two others who were arrested included an NGO director and a middleman, said the ACB director general of police.
He said the accused private secretary Rakesh Kumar, NGO Director Vishnu Kumar and middleman Om Prakash were arrested today in the corruption case in which a demand of Rs 2 lakh had been made for clearing pending dues of the NGO.
Acting on the intelligence input received through ACB team, the ACB sleuths arrested private secretary red-handed when he was taking bribe through the middleman, he added.
All three accused have been arrested under various sections of the Prevention of Corruption Act and the matter is being further investigated, he said.