Additional Sessions Judge Sanjeev Kumar handed down the sentence to the three convicts, Afzal, Aashik and Aslam, agreeing with the prosecution's argument that their act was "quite grave" and they had not only spoiled the life of a child but also "shattered" the sanctity of relationships.
"I am in agreement with the contention of the additional public prosecutor that the act of convicts are quite grave as they have committed rape with a girl of less than 12 years of age and thus not only spoiled the life of a child but they have also broken the trust of the victim and shattered the sanctity of the relationships on which our society relies.
According to deposition of the minor girl, her father had died prior to her birth and after her mother had remarried, she lived with her maternal grandparents.
Thereafter, her custody was taken over by the convicts' mother, the victim's paternal aunt, and she was taken to their home, the girl had told the court.
They used to rape her whenever no one was around, the girl had alleged, adding when she had informed the convicts' mother about it, she had scolded her (victim).
An FIR was lodged against the trio in September 2011 after the girl had informed her maternal aunt and grandparents about what had happened to her, the police had said.