"Over 600 surgeons from India and 200 surgeons from various countries, including UK, USA, UAE, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Nepal, are attending the three-day conference, AMASICON-2014," Dr C Palanivelu, Founder-president of AMASI and Chairman, Gem Hospital, told reporters here today.
The meeting is being held for the first time on foreign soil since its inception in 2003.
The conference will have live surgeries and workshops from GEM Hospital here, on hernia, bariatric, hepato pancreato and colorectal surgery, beamed through a dedicated line of 16mb bandwidth with good clarity along with two-way audio communication, he said.
"UAE health authorities are giving 18 credit hours for those attending the conference, particularly from that nation," he said.
To coincide with the conference, 300 surgeons will be conferred Minimal Access Fellowship by AMASI president, Dr Dilip Gode.
Other surgeries to be shown at the venue will be cancer, gynecological and urology related problems and other specialties, Palanivelu said.