Tamil Nadu is the major base for the leather industry in India contributing 70 per cent of the leather product output, state deputy chief minister O Panneerselvam said Thursday.
Unveiling the 34th edition of the India International Leather Fair here, Panneerselvam said the state contributes 40 per cent of the leather exports of the country, crediting Tamil Nadu for availability of raw material, skilled labour and technology.
The three-day event is aimed at displaying export prowess of the Indian leather entrepreneurs, besides featuring their achievements, advancements in technology, innovations all based on environment-friedly norms.
The deputy chief minister said the country's leather industry has huge resposibility to cater to requirements of the world.
State ministers M C Sampath, K C Karuppannan, Council for Leather Exports Chairman P R Aqeel Ahmed and Italian Trade Commissioner in India Francesco Pensabene, among others, took part in the inauguration.
Underscoring participation by foreign players in the event, Panneerselvam said, "The world has high expectations from India. The Indian leather industry has a huge responsibility to fulfill it."