Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu will inaugurate the event, which will see the participation of 2,000 delegates from India besides 200 from abroad who will hold group discussions and technical sessions to share their experience, according to District Collector Praveen Kumar.
The Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA) under the Union Commerce Ministry is organising the three-day event in association with the Seafood Exporters Association of India, he said.
Themed 'Safe and Sustainable Indian Aquaculture', the event will have discussion on technological advances and sustainable practices followed in fisheries capture and culture to ensure quality of seafood for both domestic and export markets.
He said that at present seafood exports from India stood at Rs 33,000 crore and Andhra Pradesh holds the number one position in shrimp exports in the country.
The show will be thrown open to public on September 25.
Union Urban Development Minister Venkaiah Naidu and Union Minister of State for Commerce Nirmala Sitaraman will also take part in the event.