Kehmraj Meena (Electronics), Mohit Kumar (Civil) and Shailesh Meena (Mechanical) in their final years of engineering have been suspended until further notice by the Disciplinary Committee of the college for eve teasing and passing lewd remarks on a female peon and fellow girl students, Kamlesh Purohit, Dean, MBM Engineering College said.
"Besides this their entry in the campus has also been prohibited and their parents have been called," he said.
Purohit added that the incident was referred to the police and a case was registered against the accused on behalf of the complaint by the female peon.
As per the complaint, the accused came to the college in an inebriated state yesterday and started hurling lewd comments on every girl passing by including the peon, he said.
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The accused were then caught by the student leaders and then beaten by the peon, police said.
The college informed the police about the incident who rushed to the spot and took two of the accused in custody as the third one managed to escape and is still absconding, Singh said.
The city police had launched a WhatsApp messaging service on New Year's eve for reporting crimes, emergency, law and order situations, information on criminals or their whereabouts.