Additional Sessions Judge Virender Kumar Goyal sentenced three Delhi residents Anil, Vinay Kumar and Vijay to 10 years imprisonment and also imposed a fine of Rs 50,000 on each of them, stating that if realised, the amount of Rs 1.5 lakh be given as compensation to the victim.
"I have considered the age, character and antecedents of the convicts. In my view, there is no adequate or special reason to impose lesser sentence than the minimum sentence of ten years as provided.
"Accordingly, sentence of 10 years rigorous imprisonment is imposed on each of the three convicts under the provisions of the IPC," the judge said, also imposing an additional fine of Rs 15,500 on Vijay and Rs 10,000 each on Anil and Vinay.
Accused Vijay met the girl on June 15, 2010, when she was going to market to call her mother, said the prosecution adding he accosted the girl, forcibly caught her and took her to a vacant room where he raped her.
He also threatened her not to raise an alarm, said the police adding meanwhile, Vijay's friends Vinay and Anil too came there and took turns to rape her.
It also said while one accused raped the girl, the others stood outside guarding the place.
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The trio and the girl were residing in same colony in Karala village here in North West Delhi.
The minor told about the incident next day to her mother who then reported the matter to the police and the accused were arrested on June 16, 2010. The trio are in custody since then.
The three convicts, on the other hand, sought leniency from the court saying they were falsely implicated in the case and they have to maintain their family.