Additional Sessions Judge Kamini Lau observed that Delhi has recently experienced a spurt in the incidents of robbery, dacoity, snatching, murder and other crimes and immediate steps are required to be taken to ensure citizens' safety and security.
The court made the observations while awarding five years jail term to Manish, 22, Rohit, 23, and Rajender, 28, for the offences of robbery and causing hurt while robbing.
"The deteriorating law and order problem of the city is a matter of serious concern and immediate steps are required to be taken at all levels for ensuring security and safety of the citizens. Instances of young persons getting involved in criminal activities of robbing innocent persons by putting them under threat of death, are also on the rise.
"Criminals are unhesitatingly and indiscriminately using dangerous arms/ weapons on helpless victims who may or not offer any resistance thereby spreading terror in the society and adversely affecting social order and the faith of people in the system," the judge said.
The trio also robbed Ganesh of his mobile phone, jacket and Rs 200, it said, adding that at the time of robbery Manish was having a razor, a deadly weapon and caused injuries to both the victims.