According to Pydhonie police, a trap was laid near the Masjid Bunder railway station last evening and the accused identified as Gulam Murtuza Abdul Shaikh (28), Attakar Idris Shaikh (29) and Mohammed Alauddin (29) were arrested with the fake currency.
"We had a tip off from a friend of the accused persons that the trio would be going to deliver the fake notes to their accomplice. We laid a trap for them near the Masjid Bunder station and caught them soon after they were spotted," Senior Police Inspector Pydhonie police station Sunil Kavalekar told PTI.
"We are trying our best to nab the masterminds behind this racket. We have substantial clues with us to track down the handlers," said Kavalekar adding that the catch was just a 'tip of an iceberg'.
The three accused have been booked under Section 489 (C) (Possession of forged or counterfeit currency notes) and Section 34 (Acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention) of the IPC.
Police are trying to ascertain the accomplice who was supposed to collect the fake notes.