Acting on a complaint, a Vigilance Investigation Bureau team headed by DSP Ganesh Prasad, laid a trap and arrested Pankaj Prasad, a junior engineer of Bihar Police Nirman Nigam (BPNN) at his office in Munger district while he was accepting a bribe of Rs 20,000 from one Mayank Kumar Rai, an official release said.
Prasad had initially demanded a bribe of Rs 30,000 but later agreed to accept Rs 20,000 for clearing the maintenance book of Rai's projects, the release said.
Another vigilance team, led by DSP Vimalendu Kumar Verma, arrested a revenue employee Hari Kishore Prasad and a private munshi Kapildev Baitha from Kanjhora kutchery in East Champaran district for taking a bribe of Rs 10,000 and Rs 5000 respectively from one Brahmanand Prasd to issue land-related receipt, it said.
The duo will be taken to Muzaffarpur for production in a designated vigilance court, the release added.
The vigilance department, till mid-June this year, has laid 36 traps and arrested 38 government servants on graft charge, the release said.